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- Best fit zoom on timeline
- Add more info to `--version`

- Build vamp plugins ported from QM vamp plugins
- DSP optimization: cache automation track ports and clip editor region/track
- Optimization: use hashtable for looking up tracks by name hash
- Process UI events before performing actions
- Don't throw error if clip editor has no track when drawing piano roll keys
- Don't throw error if no track is hit when DnDing into the tracklist

- Fix segfault when double clicking on port in plugin inspector
- Fix error when renaming track that has sends
- Fix MIDI note indices not being updated properly when undoing deletion
- Fix zoom controls/shortcuts not working in editor
- Fix error when moving MIDI region to another track
- Fix GtkSourceView language spec path being hardcoded to version 4
- Fix plugins not being instantiated before connecting when duplicating tracks