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- Use one instance for each channel for mono plugins
- Include release changelog info in appstream data

- Scroll to mid note when first showing the piano roll
- Update Hungarian translations
- INSTALL: clarify build instructions
- Enable locale detection for all languages
- TRADEMARKS: simplify some wording and reserve right to review and object to use deemed outside the policy
- Make sure UI event queue is cleared before freeing (fixes occasional errors)
- User manual: update Routing, Chords and Scales, Modulators, Scripting, Theming, User Media, Contributing and Credits chapters
- User manual: update some URLs (fix permanent redirects)

- Fix automation lanes not being shown immediately when made visible
- Fix MIDI files not being activatable in the file browser
- Fix audio engine not being resumed after running Guile scripts
- Fix engine preprocessing sometimes running while the graph is being updated
- Fix various invalid accesses reported by GCC address sanitizer
- Fix various memory leaks reported by GCC leak sanitizer
- Fix various custom widget children not being unparented during dispose
- Fix segfault when attempting to add a plugin to a collection
- Fix scale objects throwing errors in the event viewer
- Fix plugin sidechain options not being available in channel sends

- Remove clang-tidy targets from meson configuration (speeds up reconfiguration)
- User manual: remove copyright and license info from translatables
- Remove drop motion handler from timeline (should fix errors on drag and hover)