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- Show drives in file browser
- Custom time range export for audio

- Make plugin setting activation-related dialogs async (fixes errors when drag-n-dropping some instruments into the tracklist)
- Send all notes off when disarming tracks that accept MIDI
- Silence some unnecessary logging
- Show info for first plugin of selected track in the plugin inspector if no plugin slot is selected
- Add more error checking to file export
- Port various dropdowns to AdwComboRow
- Make welcome dialog transient to the splash screen (prevents it from being shown below the splash screen)
- Verify stream is open when activating an rtaudio device
- Preferences: refresh the audio device selector instantly when changing the audio backend
- Improve naming of default chord presets
- Merge "Plugin" and "Other" plugin categories
- Use "Zrythm beta" as the desktop file name in installer versions
- Use audio & MIDI region snapshots during playback instead of live data (allows editing regions while transport is rolling)

- Fix first MIDI note skipped when bouncing to audio
- Fix occasional error when closing a project
- Fix Zrythm potentially not getting notified of buffer size changes on JACK/PipeWire
- Fix RtAudio devices being wrong in the preferences when choosing a different RtAudio backend
- Fix region loop end point stopping moving instead of being clamped when moved past the start point

- Remove SDL, ALSA, PulseAudio, JACK (rtaudio), ASIO (rtaudio), Windows MME from selectable backends