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Papercut Fixes to New Greeter

Miró Allard requested to merge miro.allard/zrythm:greeter-papercuts into master

This merge request includes most of the suggestions in #5011 (see individual commits). There are a few issues present as of now:

  • The popover in the template combo row only shows a check box next to the selected item after hovering over an unselected item. With index set to 1 in the end of on_create_new_project_clicked, this problem is not present.
  • The info in this row is to the right of the drop down menu. It might look better on the left. To do this, I tried implementing the template row as an AdwActionRow with two suffixes: one for the info button and one for the drop-down. This somehow removed the issue mentioned above with the checkbox, but the styling of the drop down button was off, having a background.
  • Is the case of zero custom templates a case we need to handle?
  • Create New Project and Keyboard Shortcut options are unavailable in primary menu

Regarding the template row, it would be nice to easily have access to the directory through a link or a button. This would probably involve some design work. Do we perhaps want the preference group title after all? Then a subtitle could explain how to add templates and we could add a directory suffix to the combo row that opens the template directory.

Merge request reports
