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Redesign plugin info

Miró Allard requested to merge miro.allard/zrythm:plugin-info into master

This merge request implements the original design in #5003 (closed). There's no explanation for number of inputs and outputs. As we'll probably move this information anyway, I thought it a bit unnecessary including it here.

I've used the width-chars property on the input and output numbers to allocate space beforehand to remove jitter when quickly going through plugins. The values of this property are a bit arbitrary, but produced no jitter on my installed plugins. The author label is ellipsized if too long. Architecture information is appended to the plugin_type_label if 32-bit.

I marked this as draft as going through the plugins quickly, having the plugin browser wide (so labels don't ellipsize), there is some jittering when the author label is long (and otherwise would ellipsize). There could be an easy fix, not sure.

Merge request reports
