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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • v1.0.0-beta.4.11.1
    - Add bypass button to channel slot widgets and redesign
    - User manual: add section about UI scaling and Wayland
    - Center the region's contents horizontally in the editor on second double-click in the timeline
    - Add accessible roles to some widgets
    - Make faders accessible
    - New libsoxr dependency
    - Code refactoring: rename `audio` directory to `dsp`
    - Update Chinese (Simplified), Catalan, Swedish, Japanese translations
    - Use libsndfile + libsoxr instead of libaudec to load audio files
    - Fix visual issues with JACK timebase master and transport client icon indicators
    - Fix off-by-one rounding issues in audio regions when changing BPM or sample rate
    - Fix crash when drawing channel send widgets
    - Fix issues with reuse and licenses
    - Remove libaudec (and by extension libsamplerate) dependency
  • v1.0.0-beta.4.11
  • v1.0.0-beta.4.10.1
    - Add toggle to hide deactivated tracks in track filter menu
    - Add right-click option to loop selection in timeline
    - Add option to append all track/lane objects to the current selection
    - Add tracklist preferences button with option to disable auto-arm
    - Add Crescendo, Flam, Flip H/V, Portato, Staccato, Legato, Strum MIDI functions
    - Implement MIDI clock (output) for syncing to Zrythm
    - Build: add requirements.txt for managing Python dependencies (for building docs, etc.)
    - Link scroll events on digital meter widgets (changes are only applied at the end of scrolls)
    - Build: re-enable some GCC analyzer checks and add new checks
    - Change order in track context menu
    - Subprojects: bump GTK and RtAudio versions
    - Cache previous and current transport info during processing
    - Various internal refactorings
    - Update Catalan, French, Japanese, Chinese (Simplified), Russian, Dutch, Hungarian, Italian, Indonesian, Spanish, Portuguese, Swedish translations
    - Log: print `(?:?)` instead of `((null):(null))` when function and line number are unknown
    - Add more error checking and print more debug info in the log
    - Build: fix bundled plugin build with GCC 13
    - Fix app icon not showing on Wayland (StartupWMClass)
  • v1.0.0-beta.4.10
  • v1.0.0-beta.4.9.1
    - Home/End key shortcut for moving to the start/end of the project
    - Option to select note notation in the piano roll
    - Ability to select notes in a given pitch in the piano roll
    - Ctrl+0 shortcut for zooming to default level
    - Show message that BPM/time signature automation is experimental
    - Show channel slot context menu on mouse release instead of mouse press
    - Skip autosave if any toplevel window is on top
    - Update Catalan, French, Japanese, Chinese (Simplified), Czech, Portuguese (Brazil) translations
    - Redesign port/arranger object info dialogs
    - Disable Guile scripting interface on MacOS
    - Fix wrong tooltip message on automatable selector in track lanes
    - Fix track lane names getting ellipsized despite there being enough space
    - Fix crash when splitting large audio clips
    - Fix "Move Tracks Under Group" option not working when setting the direct output of selected tracks to a new group
    - Fix given time range not being taken into account when exporting MIDI
  • v1.0.0-beta.4.9
  • v1.0.0-beta.4.8.1
    - Audition notes when moved with arrow keys
    - Show value when hovering faders and balance controls
    - Double click on faders and balance controls to set precise values
    - Control-click on balance controls to reset their value
    - Audition notes on draw and on click instead of on move
    - Show track inspector when double clicking on a track in places other than the track name
    - Don't start DnD on tracks until minimum movement threshold is reached
    - Minimize waiting time when creating tracks and connections for multi-out plugins
    - Scroll to middle of piano roll when first shown
    - Fix incorrectly allowing bypassing snapping in autofill mode
    - Fix editor region being unset when moving tracks
    - Fix not propagating errors when performing some actions
    - Fix incorrectly allowing auto-save to continue while pre-rolling or counting in
    - Fix resetting faders and balance controls not being undoable
    - Fix not being able to cut regions near the edges with alt-click
    - Fix not being able to change parameter values for VST plugins in generic UI text fields
  • v1.0.0-beta.4.8
  • v1.0.0-beta.4.7.1
    - Add monitor output meters in the header
    - Add Macedonian translations
    - Add pitch shift audio function
    - Auto-scroll in the tracklist when dragging tracks and hovering towards the edges
    - Update Catalan, Japanese, Russian, French translations
    - Stop using `g_slice_*()` (deprecated in GLib)
    - Simplify CSS for separators
    - Move velocity settings to new toolbar in the bottom of the piano roll (fixes being unable to drag velocity bars when set to high values)
    - Fix audio files not being saved properly when saving the project after applying an audio function
    - Fix error when routing to/from a port that has display unit info
    - Fix minor memory leak
    - Fix track/plugin inspect not immediately displaying the track/plugin properties
    - Fix occasional crash when exporting the project (fix not deleting the source function after disposing an EditableLabelWidget)
    - Fix occasional crash when adding a plugin to a collection
    - Fix no sound when using Pipewire (regression from previous release)
    - Fix right-clicking on inserts not working on Windows
    - Fix error when attempting to paste an empty selection
  • v1.0.0-beta.4.7
  • v1.0.0-beta.4.6.3
    - Add spectrum analyzer
    - Add vertical zoom buttons to editor
    - User manual: add FAQ section
    - Update French, Catalan, Esperanto, Swedish, German, Korean, Polish, Spanish translations
    - Meson: disable fallbacks by default
    - Fix scrolling horizontally with 2 fingers on touch pads
    - Fix project plugin states being deleted while in use
    - Work around a bug in Pipewire where it doesn't notify clients of buffer size changes
    - Fix occasional deadlock when changing engine buffer sizes
  • v1.0.0-beta.4.6
  • v1.0.0-beta.4.5.62
    - Avoid making a backup when the last performed action hasn't changed
    - Meson: use libpanel fork with detach support when building as a subproject
    - Fix error when generating a string from the current datetime
    - Fix some channel ports not being exposed to JACK when loading a project
    - Fix automation curve calculation not taking caches into account
    - Fix build without Guile
    - Fix too loud/silent audio when bouncing/exporting
  • v1.0.0-beta.4.5.51
    - Create standard project directories when creating a new blank project
    - Update Chinese (Simplified), Catalan, French, Swedish, Hungarian, Spanish, German, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, English (Middle), Portuguese translations
    - Re-generate bundled plugins with latest faust
    - Be more specific in some undoable action strings
    - Don't block when showing error messages
    - Fix error when saving a project with a plugin without outputs
    - Fix issues with automation track processing
  • v1.0.0-beta.4.5.21
    - Don't attempt to create plugin state directories when loading projects
    - Add more error checking to various operations
    - Include Carla and GTK versions in debug info
    - Fix being unable to export stems
    - Fix multiple popups being shown when exporting stems
    - Fix removing inserts not being undoable
    - Fix plugin states being deleted from the main project when saving backups
    - Fix error when enabling/disabling MIDI bindings
    - Fix incorrectly throwing an error sometimes when processing the sample processor
    - Fix error when moving a region from the last lane
  • v1.0.0-beta.4.5.1
    - Implement best-fit zoom in editor
    - Add "Rename" context menu option on applicable timeline objects
    - Implement Ableton-style panning/zooming in the ruler
    - Implement middle-click (or alt-click) panning in arrangers
    - Minor UI improvements (widget paddings and sizes)
    - File browser: allow browsing volumes without associated drives
    - Minor optimizations
    - Redesign snap/grid menu
    - Require C11 thread support on GNU/Linux
    - Fix arrangers sometimes not taking off-screen objects into account
    - Fix minor memory leak
    - Fix error when undoing duplication of automation points
    - Fix some functions that were supposed to be optimized not getting optimized
  • v1.0.0-beta.4.5
  • v1.0.0-beta.4.4.1
    - Use list view for control ports in the plugin inspector (fixes lags)
    - Don't use cairo to draw automation regions (fixes lags on large projects)
    - Don't use demo template on Windows on first run (currently broken)
    - Don't save undo history with backups (makes saving faster)
    - Write audio pool files in parallel (makes saving faster on projects with lots of audio files)
  • v1.0.0-beta.4.4
  • v1.0.0-beta.4.3.1
    - Add "View Info" context menu option to timeline and automation editor
    - Reorganize Direct Out submenu in track context menu
    - Only allow pasting all the copied info into the selected track instead of spreading the paste across multiple tracks
    - Fix "View Info" in piano roll doing "Duplicate" instead
    - Fix object info dialog contents being invisible
    - Fix incorrectly allowing to set a track's output to itself
    - Fix copy-paste being broken in arrangers
    - Fix incorrectly allowing to copy-paste unclonable objects like the start/end markers